Monday, June 6, 2011


I seem to have so many things to post but I dun know how to start.

Its not that I didnt wan to talk to you. I wanted to talk to you so much that Whenever I saw you. Im lost for words. Having to I tried so hard, but managed to talk to u awhile only.. I meant no harm to you. Yes I admit I like you. But I just want to start from friend with you. I just hope we can get to talk to each other more often. All I wish is just friends. =) Maybe you might not see this .. But just post it to let myself see. =) She...n =)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My 1st Post.

Hmm.. after like 5 yrs =) Im back to blogging again =D
Some people may think this blog template looks familiar. Yes. I used this old template again . =) Don't know why I just like that template. Anyway. Hoping I can continue to write and upgrade this blog to a better one =)

To my friends who want me to add your blog in my blog links . Just give me a tag in the cbox =) thanks . =)